CI CD consulting

Need better CI/CD Pipelines?

We work with software companies like yours to create effective CI CD pipelines that actually work and make your developers more productive.

Is this you?

You are just starting out the CI/CD journey

You are just Starting Out

If you are a small team with no real CI/CD pipelines, we can help you build a small and effective pipeline that allows you to scale without requiring a full-time DevOps engineer.

You need help with your CI/CD pipelines

Your CI/CD Pipelines are a mess

Instead of helping your developers, your CI/CD pipelines are slowing everyone down. Builds fail, takes ages to run and you just want it to work.

Scale your pipelines

You can‘t keep up with the changes

Things are moving fast and you can‘t keep up. You need someone who can pull up their sleeves and help you maintain the pipeline

We use the best tools to get the job done

  • Jenkins
  • GitHub Actions
  • GitLab CI
  • Terraform
  • AWS
  • Snyk
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • ArgoCD
  • GitOps
  • EKS
  • Serverless

Your CI/CD Consultants - We will help you build effective CI/CD pipelines

Using our guiding principles, we create CI/CD processes that are developer friendly and help deliver faster and with more confidence.

  • Keeping it simple. DevOps is about making you more productive. If your CI pipeline is to complex then what‘s the point?
  • Speed is crucial. A slow pipeline is a bottleneck. We can help you optimize your build process so you can push more features to production.
  • Architecture. Whether you are using Jenkins, GitHub Actions or GitLab CI,
  • DevSecOps. We push our clients to shift left and incorporate security early in the development process. Adding security checks to your CI is easy and can save you a lot of headache down the road.

Work with us

  • Yuval Oren

    Co-Founder / CEO

  • Asaf Oren

    Co-Founder / CTO

Ready to optimize your CI/CD pipelines?

Book your free 30 minute consultation to see how we can help you.