About us - Get to know us

TLDR: We are developers turned DevOps and Security experts with many years under our belt.

Our background in software development, security, operation and leadership bring a breadth of experience to the table. We are not just another consulting company. We are a team of experienced developers who have been in the trenches and been in your shoes. We know how your day looks like and want to work with you to make it more effective.

How we work - PineWise Is About

We work with tech companies (startups to enterprises - from small teams to the corporate environment) to improve their development flow by introducing sensible DevOps practices.

  • Aligned with your goals. We are rooting for you and part for your team. We are not just there to bill hours. Our clients know that we are always there for them.
  • The Bigger Picture. We always try to see the bigger picture. Part of what makes us good is that we have a breadth of experience that we use to help our clients.
  • Relentless Execution. We are not afraid to get our hands dirty. We are not afraid to work late. We are not afraid to do what it takes to get the job done.


  • Yuval Oren

    Co-Founder / CEO

  • Asaf Oren

    Co-Founder / CTO

From the blog

Our Approach to Onboarding New DevOps Hires

What's the best way to onboard a new DevOps hire? Instead of having them aimlessly go through Confluence we have a better approach.

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How we implement AWS WAF in our projects

In this article, we will discuss how we implement AWS WAF in our projects while avoiding common pitfalls.

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