- The DevOps Blueprint

Helping you get a grip on DevOps.

Every company has a unique story, and I know that you are facing new struggles every day.

Your team keeps talking about DevOps, AWS, Kubernetes, CI, GitOps, and all those fancy words and feel you like you are sprinting a marathon.

What should you really be doing right now? Are you focusing on the right things?

You could be laser-focused on the DevOps project that takes your business forward, allowing your team to go faster instead of chasing waterfalls.

At PineWise, We see it all the time – Companies with brilliant engineers working on the wrong problems instead of moving forward with what matters most.

Sometimes, it’s a matter of good engineers who don’t have the right domain knowledge or the time to learn and adapt.

But while your company is unique, you can borrow and adapt widely used know-how, and, along the way, empower your own team.

You are probably facing many choices each day – which project should take precedence or which new technology to bet on next.

The DevOps Blueprint will help you understand which product or technology is the right one for your project, even if it means going for something less shiny (Think of it as installing a buzzword filter).

Is the DevOps Blueprint right for us?

If you are a technology company that is creating software products, then the answer is yes:

  • You’re not sure if your CI/CD pipelines are improving productivity or just another hurdle for your developers.
  • You are about to embark on a quest to migrate your system to Kubernetes but unsure if it’s the right way or the right time.
  • Or maybe you already started your Kubernetes journey but overwhelmed.
  • Deployments keep failing, and you are sick of being up all night.
  • Your AWS bill is off the charts.
  • You feel as if your developers are too busy with the development process instead of releasing features.
  • Technical debt is slowly creeping in, and you are afraid to look back.

The Process

Pre-Meeting Preparation →

We will send out a questionnaire to gather initial insights. This will help us dive right in.

Deep Dive & Analysis →

Meet with the team to understand development workflows, security, and CI/CD; identify bottlenecks.

Recommendations & Action Plan →

Identify gaps, create a tailored plan, and deliver a report with actionable recommendations.

Get started with the DevOps Blueprint

Get your tailored Blueprint for your DevOps journey. We will help you create an immediate action plan to get you started.